Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Women Have the Money Sense, Says Editor, Nov. 14, 1923

Credit Where It Is Due

If the average woman was without a sense of the value of money the men folks would have a good deal less in bank than they can now boost. It is only fair to give the housewives of this country the credit that is due them, and it is certainly due them to say that the average woman is economical. Many a dollar lying in the bank and drawing interest is there because some housewife refused to agree with her husband that they were able to spend it for a luxury. The average man is a much swifter spender than the average woman, and he would buy, very often, beyond his ability to pay were it not for the act that a woman generally dreads debt.

Go into any store in town and note with what care the woman who happens to be purchasing something is using in selecting it. Notice how anxious she is to get full value for her money. Do this not once but a dozen times and you’ll soon conclude that when it comes to “driving a bargain” and actually saving money we have to take off our hats to the women. The man of the family usually thinks he knows what he wants beforehand, and unless the price is away out of reason he takes the article without question, and without regard to its quality.

We don’t believe there ever was a word of truth in the old statement that “two can live as cheaply as one.” But we’ve seen enough of the care used by women shoppers to warrant the believe that when it comes to saving money the fair sex makes the men look like amateurs.

From the editorial page of The Reidsville Review, Nov. 14, 1923

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