Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Leaksville Locals, June 4, 1924


Mrs. J.B. Ray entertained the Border Book club this afternoon.

Mrs. Dan Taylor will entertain the History Club Friday afternoon at 3:30.

Mrs. Sallie Lashley of Spray is reported to be very sick.

Mr. and Mrs. James Darlington have returned from their bridal tour Western North Carolina.

George DeHart left yesterday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. DeHart at Woolwine, Va.

Miss Ruth Robertson is at home from N.C.C.W. to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. S.L. Robertson on Monroe Street.

Mrs. Hiram Foard was expected home today but was detained in New York on account of the illness of her sister, Miss Mary Lewis.

Dr. and Mrs. W.W. Matthews left today for Chicago to attend the American Medical Association, also to visit friends and relatives. They will return by way of Detroit, Cleveland, Niagara Falls and other northern cities. The trip will be made by automobile.

The Chalmers Glenn Chapter of the U.D.C. will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Numa R. Reid and Mrs. Snow as joint hostesses at the Hotel in Wentworth. On account of school, they could not meet at the Legion Hall in Spray as was first planned.

From page 4 of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Wednesday, June 4, 1924

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