Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Miss Julia Ross Wins $500 Weil Fellowship, June 5, 1924

Miss Julia Ross Wins Fellowship at N.C. College

Miss Julia Ross, a member of the graduating class at the N.C. College has this week won the highest scholarship given, which is called the Weil Fellowship and is equivalent to a $500 scholarship at any University.

This Fellowship was established by Mrs. Henry Weil of Goldsboro in memory of her husband. It was awarded on a basis of scholarship and general ability. Miss Ross’ many friends in the county will congratulate her upon this worthily bestowed honor.

From the front page of the Asheboro Courier, June 5, 1924

$500 in 1923 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $9,168.07 today, according to the Inflation Calculator.

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