Wednesday, June 12, 2024

News from Foscoe in Watauga Democrat, June 12, 1924


Mr. L.L. Moody is doing a lot of farming this year. He has planted two acres of Irish potatoes, three of beans and has set 10,000 cabbages for the early market, and is going to set 30,000 more for the late market. He has bought a new Ford truck to market his produce with. Mr. Moody is a hustler. He had his mules are kept busy these days.

Mr. Ed. Shiply delivered to Mr. C.P. Moore some pure bred cattle this week.

Mrs. W.H. Byrd has been visiting relatives in Bristol and other parts of Tennessee.

Mr. D.P. Moore of the Globe is visiting his son, Mr. Charlie Moore.

Rev. Gentry filled Mr. Barlow’s appointment here Sunday.

Mr. C.P. Moore made a business trip to the Blue Ridge looking over the public roads.

The new church will be dedicated the fifth Sunday. Everybody is cordially invited.

Rev. Sebastian will preach at the Foscoe School house Sunday evening at 2:30 p.m.

Mr. Henry Brinkley has finished hoeing his crop the first time. He says he is going ot put in his vacation fishing.

Miss Carrie Gragg of Boone visited a few hours in Foscoe Monday.

Mrs. Walters is visiting Mrs. Wodie of Shulls Mills this week.

We were glad to see Mr. Hugh Dobbin from Legerwood and Mrs. C. Hulcher from Wilkesboro here last week.

Mr. Emory Greer was a pleasant caller in Foscoe last week.

From the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., Thursday, June 12, 1924

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