Monday, September 23, 2024

75,000 Expected When Charlotte Speedway Opens, Sept. 24, 1924

Expect 75,000 People at Charlotte Races. . . Reports to Officials Lead Them to Believe This Many Will Watch the Races

Charlotte, Sept. 24—Owing to the widespread interest in the automobile races to be held in Charlotte on the city’s new board speedway on October 25th, the board of directors are making provision to handle a crowd of 75,000 people instead of 50,000 as originally planned.

To that end additional grandstand space will be provided, and it will be possible to accommodate 55,000 people on the infield, instead of 30,000. There will be space for 8,000 automobiles on the infield and 10,000 automobiles in the parking spaces outside the track.

Jack Prince, building of the Charlotte speedway, has left for Fresno, Calif., to assist the drivers in forwarding their cars to Charlotte on a special train on October 3rd. The Fresno races will be held October 2nd. The drivers already singed, and whose cars will be rushed across the continent are Tommy Milton, Phil Shafer, Earl Cooper, Bennie Hill, Peter DePaolo, Antoine Mourre, Fred Comer, Red Cairens, Harry Hartz, wade Morton, Earnie Ansterberg.

Fred Wagner, veteran starter, will also accompany the drivers to Charlotte, and they are expected to arrive here not later than October 10th. The track will e finished on October 7th, according to an announcement by Fred M. Johnson, general manager of construction, and the trial tests will begin 15 days prior to the day of the races.

The Charlotte speedway is a board oval track 1 ¼ miles long, and modeled along the same lines as the new track to be built at Los Angeles. The builders claim that it will be one of the fastest speed courses in the world, with its 84$-foot straightaway and 40 degree bank at the turn. [Don’t know actual length of the straightaway, but it can’t be 84$ feet.]

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1924

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