Tuesday, September 24, 2024

80-Year-Old Lady Offers Advice on Staying Young, Sept. 25, 1924

From a column called “Constructive Thinking”

How to Stay Young

From the Chatham Record

Some one asked an old lady how it was she kept your youth so wonderfully. Her hair was snowy white, she was 80 years old, and her energy was waning; but she never impressed one with the idea of age, for her heart was still young in sympathy and interest. And this was her answer:

“I learned how to forget disagreeable things. I tried to master the art of saying pleasant things. I did not expect too much from my friends. I kept my nerves well in hand, and did not allow them to bore people. I tried to find any work that came to hand congenial.”

This is good advice, and of value to those who are still young. Will they heed it?

From page 6 of the Carolina Jeffersonian, Raleigh N.C., September 25, 1924.


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