Thursday, September 26, 2024

Mrs. Hall Seriously Injured in Car Crash, Sept. 28, 1924

Because Hurricane Helene could cause a power outage, I’m posting this article a day early.

Woman Is Seriously Injured When Cars Crash on Highway

A Mrs. Hall of the Burlington-Graham section was seriously injured in an automobile wreck1 ½ miles east of Mebane at a nearly hour last night, the tie of cars on the highway resulting in a partial wreck of one of the several big busses operating between Raleigh and Greensboro when the driver found it necessary to leave the road in order to avoid collision with parked cars. Mrs. Hall was removed to the Raney hospital in Burlington. Examination of her injuries disclosed a broken jawbone and other injuries of a minor nature.

According to information given over telephone by the chief of police of Mebane, Mrs. Hall’s injuries resulted from a head-on collision between a Ford car in which she was a passenger and another machine. Several cars collected prior to her removal to the hospital and it was in order to avoid collision with these machines that the bus driver sent his machine off the asphalt, damaging the big car but without injury to any of his passengers.

Reports circulated on the streets here were to the effect that the bus had gone off the road, turning over and killing several. Bus line officials denied the rumor and said it was without foundation. Greensboro later reported one killed in the smash but according to the Mebane police chief, who investigated the affair, there were no fatalities, and the bus did not figure in the smash that resulted in Mrs. Hall’s injuries.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday September 28, 1924

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