Monday, September 30, 2024

Governor Reduces Sentences of Larry Gibbs and W.W. Hargrove, Sept. 30,1924

Paroles Signed by the Governor. . . Two Men from Craven County Get Reduction of Sentences

Raleigh, Sept. 29—Two paroles and one commutation of sentence were signed today by Governor Morrison upon the recommendation of the judges and solicitors who tried and prosecuted the cases.

Those receiving paroles were Larry Gibbs, convicted in Craven county Superior court in June 1923 of assault with deadly weapons and sentenced to two years on the roads, and W.W. Hargrove, convicted of violating the prohibition law in Craven county and sentenced to banishment from the state for two years.

William Pressly, who was sentenced at the March 1924 term of Edgecombe county Superior court to four months on the roads for violating prohibition laws had his sentence reduced to 90 days.

From the front page of the Wilson Times, Sept. 30, 1924

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