Monday, September 23, 2024

Fisheries Products Company Goes Into Receivership, Sept. 24, 1924

Receivers Appointed for Fisheries Products Co.

Wilmington, Sept. 23—Judge O.H. Guion of New Bern and C.D. Attwood of Wilmington were today named by Judge H.G. Connor, of the United States District Court, as ancillary receivers for the Fisheries Products Company, a Wilmington and New York corporation engaged in the manufacture of fertilizer.

This action was taken following the placing of the company’s affairs in the hands of a receiver by United States Judge Robert A. Inch of New York, who appointed Henry Silock of New York and William R. Raynes of Brooklyn as receivers for the company, acting on petition of See and Depew, who contend that the defendant company is indebted to them in the sum of $10,323.05.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1924

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