Saturday, October 9, 2021

Charlotte City Schools Gain 826 Students, Oct. 9, 1921

Myers Street School, Charlotte, N.C.

City Schools Show Gain of 826 Pupils

Attendance in Charlotte schools shows an increase this year of 826 over that of last year, according to figures in the office of H.P. Harding, superintendent.

In the white schools, during the first month, which closed September 30, there were 6,396 students and in the colored 2,770, making a total of 9,166.

For the first month of the 1920 session, 8,340 children were enrolled in the city schools.

The school with the largest number of pupils is the South school with its 936 scholars. The Myers street colored school has an enrollment of 1,594.

It is the belief of Mr. Harding that this school is the largest single school in the entire State.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, Oct. 9, 1921. I don’t understand the reporter’s sentences that South school with 936 students has the largest number of pupils when Myers Street school has 1,594 students, but that’s what the newspaper printed.

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