Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Governor Pardons Mrs. Jessie Brown, John R. Rutter, Oct. 12, 1921

Mrs. Brown Pardoned

Raleigh, Oct. 11—Governor Morrison this morning following a plea by former State Senator R. Lee Wright granted a full pardon to Mrs. Jessie Brown of Salisbury, who has served eight months of a four-year penitentiary sentence for receiving $2,000 worth of diamonds knowing them to have been stolen. The diamonds were stolen by her husband, who afterward restored them to the owner.

Rutter Pardoned

John R. Rutter, serving a 12 months sentence for complicity in plan to secure money from fraudulent tobacco sales on the Wilson market, has received a pardon from Governor Morrison and returned last night to his home in Wilson.

Rutter, after six months in the Wilson County jail, was tried at the May term of Wilson Superior Court and given an 18-month sentence, which was changed to 12 months by Judge Calvert.

Attorney Strickland, Mr. W.A. Edgerton and Mr. C.T. (last name obscured) went to Raleigh yesterday and presented a request for Rutter’s pardon, which was granted. The men found Rutter at a prison camp at Chapel Hill. Rutter had become very popular with everybody at the Camp. His guards liked him and trusted him with responsible errands. He was the recipient of a number of favors from his friends there when he left.

From the Wilson Daily Times, Oct. 12, 1921

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