Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Right To Vote Isn't Enough, Says Mrs. Belmont, Oct. 2, 1921

Woman’s Party to Be Launched for Big Battle. . . Mrs. O.H.P. Belmont Announces Plan for Political Contest. . . Women Not Yet Free. . . Should Take Lesson from Last Campaign Mrs. Belmont Declares

By Mildred Morris, International News Staff Correspondent

Washington, Oct. 1—Plans for launching a woman’s political party, which will put its own candidates in the field and battle the “men’s parties,” were announced here tonight by Mrs. O.H.P. Belmont. Back of it will be the millions of dollars and millions of women.

Mrs. Belmont, mother of William K. Vanderbilt Jr., and the former Duchess of Marlboro, one of the wealthiest women in the country, social leader and suffrage chieftain, who, with her prestige and money, guided the National Equal Suffrage Association and the National Woman’s Party into the limelight while both were struggling for recognition, sounded a new battle cry for the women.

She issued warning that the new “petticoat” party will be in the field in the next Presidential campaign with the women voters in every state organized to carry on against the old political parties with a woman’s platform and a woman’s candidate for President.

Mrs. Belmont said effort will be made to get it into action for the congressional campaign next year, with the proposed amendment to the constitution to abolish all legal discriminations against women as the issue.

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From the front page of The Charlotte News, Oct. 2, 1921. To read the rest of the story, go to

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