Friday, February 11, 2022

After 16 Years In Business, Joseph Sells to Sinkone Brothers, Feb. 11, 1922

Sinkone Brothers Buy Joseph Stock

After being in business for more than 16 years at 225 West Trade street, F. Joseph, merchant, has sold out his stock of goods to Sinkone Bros., of Atlanta, who are disposing of the stock at cut rates. Mr. Joseph has not announced his plans for the future. R. and E.I. Sinkone compose the firm of Sinkone Brothers. They are so well pleased with Charlotte that they expect to look for a permanent location here, R. Sinkone said. After the stock acquired from Mr. Joseph is sold out Sinkone Brothers will vacate the store and make way for another firm to open there, but they will seek new quarters at once for opening up a permanent store.

From The Charlotte News, Saturday evening, February 11, 1922

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