Friday, February 4, 2022

Farm Agent Salary Cut, Buncombe Considers Eliminating Home Agent Position, Feb. 4, 1922

Salary of Buncombe Farm Agent Is Cut

Asheville, Feb. 4—Buncombe county’s farm agent is to work for $300 less a year than in the past, following the actin of the county board authorizing a cut in the wages of C.C. Proffitt, farm agent. Mr. Proffitt now gets $1,500 from the county and $1,800 from State and federal departments of agriculture, making a total of $3,300. The board had under serious consideration the matter of discontinuing the work.

Action will be taken relative to continuing or discontinuing the office of home demonstration agent at an early date. Mrs. G. Latta Clement, home agent, is unable to attend the conference of commissioners and school board members, who are to determine the outcome.

From The Charlotte News, Feb. 4, 1922

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