Thursday, February 3, 2022

Hon. Ben T. Holden for Solicitor, Seventh District, Feb. 3, 1922

Hon. Ben T. Holden for Solicitor. . . To Succeed Hon. H.E. Norris—An Able Lawyer and Practitioner

Since last week’s issue carrying the announcement that H.E. Norris would not be a candidate for Solicitor to succeed himself, inquiries from all sections are being made as to whether or not Ben Holden will be a candidate. Mr. Holden, when approached this week by the editor, stated, “I have received many expressions of confidence and assurance of support, for which I am deeply grateful. It is my purpose to be a candidate for Solicitor.”

It is current opinion in Franklin, shared by many leading citizens of Wake, that Franklin County, in all fairness and justice, is entitled to one of the Judicial officers of the Seventh District. There are only two counties in the District and but two Judicial officers. Wake has both Judge and Solicitor. By reason of her larger population Wake is able to retain both, but it is the expressed belief that she will not be willing to resort to her might in order to defeat that which must appear to be right.

Mr. Holden is well known in the district and has many warm friends in Wake as well as Franklin. No one can question his ability as a lawyer, his fairness as a practitioner and his honesty or integrity as a man. He is recognized as a hard fighter in the Court House, yet he has a heart that is commensurate in size to that of his body. Franklin has a splendid opportunity to win this honor, and in being able to offer Mr. Holden as her candidate for Solicitor gives Wake an opportunity to express its fairness and willingness to divide Judicial honors.

His many friends are confident that if Mr. Holden should be nominated he will do credit to this important position and to himself.

From the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Feb. 3, 1922

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