Wednesday, February 9, 2022

News From King, Germantown, Campbell, Danbury, Collinstown, Patrick, Lawsonville, Feb. 8, 1922

John Leake Going to King. . . Accepts Bank Cashier’s Place. . . Preparations for Best Fair Yet

King, Feb. 2—The directors of the Stokes County Fair Association met here yesterday and fixed the dates for the holding of the Stokes far this fall, the dates being October 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, five days and five nights. A number of other business matters were acted upon. No pains or expense will be spared to make this year’s fair the biggest and best ever held here.

Mr. John A. Leake, a present with the Wachovia Bank & Trust Company at Winston-Salem, has accepted the position of cashier of the Farmers’ Bank and Trust Company at this place, and will remove his family to King. Mr. W.E. Hartman, at present cashier of the bank, has resigned and will devote his time to other business in which he is engaged.


A Newsy Letter from King

King, Feb. 6—Mr. Theodore Newsum, who taught in the Westfield High School last year and who is teaching in the Pinnacle High School this year, has been appointed assistant deputy of the Modern Woodmen of America in district No. 2 which embraces 16 counites, extending from Virginia to South Carolina. He will devote his spare time to the work until May, when his school expires, after which he will devote his whole time to the work.

Dr. and Mrs. H.G. Harding spent Sunday with the Doctor’s parents, at Farmington.

Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Tuttle of Rural Hall spent Sunday with relatives here.

Mr. Chas. Hutchins of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with relatives here.

Mr. James Hauser has purchased from Mr. Luther Petree his residence and small farm consisting of 16 ½ acres. Consideration $3,500. Mr. Petree will move to Moore county.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Shore and Fred E. Junior are spending a few days in Roanoke, Va., with relatives.

The handsome new residence of Mr. Chas. S. Fowler in West End is nearing completion.

Mrs. Will R. Keiger, formerly of this place, died at her home in Mt. Airy yesterday after a lingering illness with cancer.

The Junior Order United American Mechanics gave a big oyster supper to their members Saturday evening. Fair View Camp of Winston-Salem attended the supper.


Child Drowned Near Mt. Tabor. . . Little 4-Year-Old boy Falls Into Pitt of Water. . . Store Robbed at Germantown

Germantown, Feb. 6—The 4-Year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. James Warren, who reside near Mt. Tabor in Stokes county, was drowned Friday afternoon in a pit of water near the home of Mrs. Warren’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Burroughs, a few miles from Germanton. The mother and son had gone over to the home of the boy’s grandparents to spend the day. When it was discovered that the lad was missing, search for him was instituted and his body was found in four feet of water in the pit dug last summer by Mr. Burroughs to keep milk in during the hot weather. The recent snow, when it melted, filled the pit nearly full of water. The little tracks of the boy were seen leading to the pit where he had been looking into it and had accidentally fallen in it.

Burglars Friday night broke into the store of James Brothers at Germantown and carried off about $30 in small change, the money being taken from the cash register. A large number of cigars and cigarettes were also taken. These were the only things missing, thought the thieves opened the safe but failed to find any money as the owners do not keep their money in the safe.


Valentine Party. . . Other Campbell News

Campbell, Feb. 6—We are having lots of sickness in this section, due largely to the bad weather prevailing at this time. Mrs. Tom Shelton and also Mrs. Sanford Snider are among the sick.

Mr. William Smith, who has been spending some time in West Virginia, returned here last Friday.

Those who visited Miss Curtie Smith Sunday were Messrs. Carl Hill, Earl Handy, Marion Clark and Misses Lucy and Clarice Smith and Ila Handy.

There will be a Valentine party and voting contest at Smithtown school house on the night of Feb. 14th.

It is reported that some of the boys around Smithtown carry their own wood along when they go visiting. Keep up the good work boys, you will always be welcome when you do that.


News of Route One

Danbury, Route 1, Feb. 7—Mr. J.R. Bennett is on the sick list this week, we are sorry to note.

Misses Maggie and Nannie Oakley spent Saturday night with Miss Rilla Stephens.

Miss Rilla Stephens gave her friends a party Saturday night. Among those present were Misses Alma Mabe, Maggie and Nannie Oakley, Messrs. Jesse and Sandie Mabe, Roy Martin, Jones Nelson, Berkley and Ralph Sheppard, Harry Lawson, Eugene Pringle, Marin Stephens and Alexander Flinchum.

Misses Mayana and Alma Mabe spent Thursday night with Mrs. J.R. Bennett.

Among those who visited at G.C. Mabe’s Monday night were Misses Alma, Bertha, Clara and Mayana Mabe, Messrs. Marion, Rellie and Leonard Stephens, Jesse and Matt Mabe. Miss Alma Mabe spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. J.R. Bennett.

Mr. Rufus P. Mabe and son, Sandie, returned to their home in Montgomery county Tuesday.

Misses Bertha and Clara Mabe spent Saturday and Sunday with their brother, Mr. J.S. Mabe, near Walnut Cove.

Miss Alma Mab returned to her home at Ether,N.C., Tuesday.

Mr. Alvin Moore, the 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Moore, had the misfortune of getting his leg shot last week while coming form Winston. He was in a wagon and picked up a bed quilt, the rifle being wrapped up in the quilt, by some means went off, the bullet went through his leg just below his knee. We wish him an early recovery.

Misses Nannie and Maggie Oakley spent Saturday night with Miss Rilla Stephens.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Drew Watkins, a fine boy.

Mesdames Roy Oakley, Chas. Oakley and Tenzy Mabe spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Lum Sands, who expects to go to a Baltimore hospital for treatment the coming week.

The little 3-year-old girl of Mr. and Mrs. N.C. Priddy is ill with pneumonia, we are sorry to learn. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Wood also has a child seriously ill with the same disease.

Mr. Sandie Mabe of Montgomery county is visiting friends and relatives on Route 1 this week.

Those who visited Miss Kate Antrey Sunday afternoon were Miss Ruth Preddy, Messrs. Dewy and Leonard Shelton, Teeman Priddy and others.


Collinstown, Feb. 6—A number of families in this section have cases of influenza again.

Misses Iris Hundley and Lillie Mae George, teachers at Asbury, visited the former’s mother the past week.

Misses Ethel and Geneva Hutchens visited Misses Gene and Lucile Tatum Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Townes of Martinsville, Va., was the guest of Miss Lucile Tatum at Peter’s Creek the past week end.

Miss Cassie Hutchens, who is attending school at Stuart, Va., visited her parents here Sunday.

From the front page of The Danbury Reporter, Feb. 8, 1922


Death of a Patrick Man

Patrick—Messrs. John R. Hill, Lum Frazier and Herbert Nickleson of Campbell were here last week. They reported the snow in the northern part of the county much deeper than here, it having reached a depth of 18 inches in the Snow Creek country. The roads are in the worst possible condition, travel having been abandoned except by horseback or on foot.

Mr. Dick Brown, a prominent citizen of Patrick, living near the North Carolina line, died a few days ago, aged about 74 years.

From page 3 of The Danbury Reporter, Feb. 8, 1922


Many New Babies at Lawsonville. . . Child of Frank Tilley Take to Hospital—Much Sickness

Lawsonville, Feb. 7—This section was visited by the deep snow that your have read so much about, being the deepest in the history of the people of this section. It was badly drifted in places, giving the hunters a fine chance at the bro’ rabbits.

The people of this community are marketing their tobacco in a hurry the past few weeks, not leaving very much of the weed.

Mrs. Calvin Mabe and son, Lee Roy, visited Miss Tomie Mabe Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. R.A. Robertson visited at Mr. M.H. Robertson’s Monday.

Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Alonze Sisk, a boy.

Hassel, the son of Mr. Frank Tilley, was carried to the hospital at Stuart, Va., the past week, was operated on for appendicitis, and is getting along nicely.

Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Elie Nelson, a girl.

Among who have been on the sick list are Mrs. R.A. Robertson, Mr. J.A. Lawson and Mrs. Emma Lawson, but all are improved at this writing.

Mrs. P.R. Robertson spent Friday and Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Z.R. Sheppard.

Miss Rilla Stephens entertained a number of her friends Saturday night in honor of her guests, Misses Maggie and Nannie Oakley.

Mr. Harry Lawson made a business trip to Stuart Thursday.

Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Tomie Corn, a boy.

Mr. and Mrs. Craddock of Virginia spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Smith.

Among those who have been moving of late: Mr. John Lawson to Mr. J.A. Lawson’s place, he having bought the place some time ago; Mr. George Smith to his new home, the Mrs. Mittie Hylton place; Mr. John Shelton to R.A. Martin’s old home place.

Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shelton, a boy.

Miss Rilla Stephens is helping Miss Mary Ray teach the Bennett school.

From page 4 of The Danbury Reporter, Feb. 8, 1922

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