Thursday, February 3, 2022

Ward Needs Plane, Spence Buys Hotel, Raper Says Slow Payers Killed His Business, Feb. 3, 1922

Ward Needs Airplane

Gordon E. Ward, New York contractor who recently purchased the Horse Shoe farm in Camden County, is contemplating the purchase of an airplane, so he can get to his farm.


Spence Buys a Hotel

E.H. Spence, formerly proprietor of the Southern Hotel in this city, has purchased the Spottswood Arms Hotel at Virginia Beach and will open it on Feb. 15. Extensive alterations and repairs will be made to the property. An addition of 50 rooms is also contemplated.


Eugene Raper Says Slow Payers Killed His Business

Eugene M. Raper, proprietor of Morrisette & Raper, Main St. grocers who has closed out his business to certain of his creditors, attributes his failure solely to the backwardness of his customers in paying their bills. “I could have pulled out all right,” says Mr. Raper, “If folks had just paid their bills so I could pay mine.” Mr. Raper says he attempted to run a cash business for a time but in order to get the accounts of most folks in Elizabeth City you have to extend them credit. And having extended credit he couldn’t collect form his customers as fast as his own creditors demanded settlements. Unable to pay his creditors, the business was taken over a few days ago by five Elizabeth City wholesalers. The five are W.J. Woodley, C.W. Stevens & Co., W.H Weatherly & Co., Banks & Hughes and A.F. Toxey Co. There has been no cessation of the business, Mr. Raper carrying it on for the wholesalers until the business can be sold or otherwise disposed of.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Feb. 3, 1922

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