Friday, June 3, 2022

Enfield Graded School to Graduate Six Seniors, June 2, 1922

Enfield Graded School Finals

The closing exercises of the Enfield Graded School began last Sunday evening when Rev. W.L. Hayman of Weldon preached the baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class at the Baptist Church.

The Class Day exercises were held Wednesday evening at twilight in the school auditorium with the following program:

President’s Address—Edgar Boseman

The Roll Call of Happy Years—Ethel Watson

What We Would Like to Be—And Why—Mae Bellamy

Enfield High School “News and Observer”—Fletcher Dickens

1922 Advertisements—John McGwigan

1922 Examination Questions—Helen Parker

Class Will—Fletcher Dickens

Presentation of Key to Class of 1923—Edgar Boseman

Thursday night at 8:15 a most excellent musical program was rendered by the pupils oif the Musical Department under the able supervision of Miss Ruth Reade.

The exercises of the lower grades were held Friday morning in the school auditorium at which the honor rolls and promotion list were read by Supt. C.A. Boseman. A large attendance of the patgrons of the school witnessed all of the exercises.

The commencement exercises will be held at the school auditorium tonight at which time a class of six graduates will receive their diplomas. The following is the program for tonight:

Hiawatha’s Journey (Wilson) – High School Glee Club

Salutatory—Helen Parker

Girls of Yesterday and Girls of Today—Mae Bellamy.

The Awakening of the Southern Farmer—Edgar Boseman

Man is the Architect of His Own Fortune—Helen Parker

Barcarolle (Offenbach)—Doris Branch, Helen Mae Cooper

Valdictory—Mae Bellamy

Presentation of Diplomas.

The honor roll and promotion list will appear in the next issue of The Progress.

From The Progress, Enfield, N.C., June 2, 1922

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