Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Finch Charged With Misappropriated $100,000 From Tomlinson and Company, June 7, 1922

Friends of Wilson Man Endeavor to Raise Bond. . . Man Arrested on Charge of Misappropriation of Funds Is Still Being Held

Wilson, N.C., June 7 (By the Associated Press)—A.L. Finch, who was arrested here late yesterday on a warrant charging misappropriation of the funds of Tomlinson and Company, was released on $25,000 bond shortly after 1 o’clock this afternoon. Finch was former manager of the store which is now in the hands of the creditors and is alleged to have over drawn his accounts to the extent of approximately $100,000.


Wilson, N.C., June 7 (By the Associated Press)—N.L. Finch, former manager of Tomlinson and Company of this city, now in the hands of creditors, who was arrested late yesterday on the charge of misappropriation of funds of that concern, was being held today in default of $20,000 bond. Finch is alleged to have overdrawn his account to the extent of approximately $100,000. He will e given a preliminary hearing on June 19th.

Friends of Mr. Finch have raised $15,000 of the required bond and they expect to have the remainder before nightfall. He spent last night in a local hotel, guarded by an officer.

Finch was arrested a few hours after he returned to Wilson from Richmond, where he had been in a hospital.

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, June 7, 1922

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