Saturday, June 4, 2022

Fire Wipes Out Tonkel's Department Store in Goldsboro, June 4, 1922

Fire Wipes Out Tonkel’s; Loss Estimated $30,000. . . Quick Destruction When Roof Catches

Fie which at 4 o’clock looked as if it would be brought under control early this morning completely destroyed the N.J. Edwards building in Center, between Walnut and Mulberry. The building was occupied by Tonkel’s Department store, and the stock, estimated to be worth $30,000, is a complete loss.

The blaze was discovered by Patrolman Bass about 2:30, that officer rushing from is beat to wake the department before the alarm was sounded. Early morning travelers, stifled by hugh gusts of smoke that forced through windows, watched the artificial clouds pour in great streams from the roof and front and hen curl heavenward five minutes before the blaze, aided by burning wires, burst through, sending flames leaping high into air.

Officers believe the fire started in the Tonkel store but were unable to tell at just what part of the building. Fire wagons halted at the front to play streams off Centre street but hardly had the water been turned on before a great blaze cracked in the rear. Before that could be partially checked, the fire had torn through the front of the store carrying with it the big plate glass windows.

Followed then a smashing of doors and windows and twice within the hour the fire was brought under control only to break out again in a new spot and defy the fire fighters.

The proprietors of the store declared this morning that the stock loss was complete, a large part of the insurance having only recently been cancelled. The remainder in force, one of the members of the firm said, is negligible.

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, Sunday morning, June 4, 1922

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