Thursday, June 2, 2022

How Much Sewerage Are You Drinking? June 2, 1922

How Much Sewerage Are You Drinking? . . . There Are Leaks in the Sewers That May Send Death Into Your Well

Are you drinking sewerage? That’s a rather nasty question to ask, but it is a serious question that should receive immediate consideration from every family in Elizabeth City living on a street where sewers are located. The sewers in Elizabeth City are full of leaks and much sewerage is seeping into the soil of the town. Hundreds of families get their drinking water from shallow pumps and wells. The leakage from weak and open sewerage joints may be finding its way into your water supply. Much of the soil in Elizabeth City is sandy and porous.

The sewer mains of the sewerage company may be properly sealed at the joints and the leaks may be only in loosely laid pipes connecting private property with the sewers. But there are leaks all over town, somewhere. Any rain fills the sewers several hours after the rainfall, even where the rainfall does not incline to the sewers. This can only mean that a vast volume of water finds its way into the sewers thru the soil. If the sewers fill with water from the soil after a heavy rain, it is a certainty that the sewers will feed this same soil when the soil is dry. This can only mean that every shallow well located anywhere near a sewer line in Elizabeth City is in danger of sewerage contamination. A good idea for every family in Elizabeth City would be to have a test made of their drinking water. Your physician can have the test made for you.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., June 2, 1922

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