Friday, June 10, 2022

Men Kidnap R.W. Sullivan, Miss Floyd, Lecture Them, Let Them Go in Woods, June 10, 1922

Band of Men Kidnap Prominent Young Couple

Anderson, S.C., June 9—Robert W. Sullivan, secretary of the Orr Cotton mills, and Miss Ruby Floyd were kidnapped from an automobile in front of the young woman’s home here late last night, by a band of masked men who “gave them a lecture” as they described it, and dropped them in the woods some three miles out of town.

The man was warned not to be seen in Miss Floyd’s company again, he told police, but he denied reports that had reached them that he had been beaten. He and Miss Floyd and the latter’s mother, Mrs. Ada Floyd, informed police that the men were dressed in regalia resembling that of the Ku Klux Klan, and Miss Floyd asserted she was positive one of the men was a negro. The couple said they thought they would be unable to identify any of their abductors.

Sullivan, who is about 31 years of age and in addition to his business connection is secretary and treasurer of the South Carolina Cotton Manufacturers’ Association, was recently taken in custody at the home of Miss Floyd but no charges were made.

Charge of “disorderly conduct” was made against her, however, as a result of remarks attributed to her in a conversation with a neighbor how had complained to the police. She is about 18 years old.

The masked men (who?) came last night, two automobiles and four men, put Sullivan in one machine while three took Miss Floyd in the other and rapidly left town. Police were informed by Mrs. Floyd but the only clue they had until the couple made their way back to town was the marks of a struggle around the cars. They were unable to ascertain which way the cars went.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Saturday, June 10, 1922

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