Thursday, June 9, 2022

Miss Martha Elliott Leaving to Become Principal at Norfolk, Va., June 9, 1922

Takes Principalship of a Norfolk School

Miss Martha Elliott

This interesting and capable woman for 12 years a teacher in the Elizabeth City Graded Schools, gives up her home in Elizabeth City this week to accept the principalship of the Larchmont High School at Norfolk, Va. She will have seven teachers under her supervision in the Norfolk school and will, herself, teach English and Mathematics. Miss Elliott was for 12 years teacher of the Seventh Grade in the Elizabeth City High School and was one of the most capable and conscientious members of the High School Faculty. Previous to her Elizabeth City High School work she was for five years principal of the Newland School in this county. She holds a Lifetime Certificate from the N.C. State Board of Education and a Professional or Normal Certificate from Virginia. Miss Elliott’s home will be at Ingleside, a beautiful suburb of Norfolk. Miss Elliott is a daughter of Mrs. A.Q. Elliott of this city and is well known throughout the Albemarle region. The picture is from a recent photo by W.H. Zoeller.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, June 9, 1922

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