Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Diphtheria in New Hope, Fremont, Stoney Creek, Great Swamp and Buck Swamp Townships, Sept. 7, 1922

Diphtheria Raging in Five Townships. . . 12 Cases, Largest Number Since Health Department Created, Reported

Twelve cases of diphtheria were reported to the health department yesterday, constituting the largest number of cases reported in a day since Dr. A.J. Ellington came here 19 months ago. The majority of these cases were reported from New Hope township, Fremont, Stoney Creek, Great Swamp, and Buck Swamp townships.

Last summer, though vaccination clinics were held all through these counties and according to the health department if all the people in the neighborhoods were the disease seems to be breaking out had taken the vaccination there would be no outbreak now.

From The Goldsboro News, Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1922

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