Thursday, September 15, 2022

George Wynne, Head Mechanic at Caldwell Motor Company, Lenoir, Secures Patent, Sept. 14, 1922

George E. Wynne’s New Motor Spring. . . A Car Spring Without Bolts; Saves Lost Motion—Does Away With Noises

Mr. George R. Wynne, head mechanic for the Caldwell Motor Company of this city, has invented a boltless spring for vehicles, especially motor cars, which is designed to do away with lost motion and the noise caused by wearing springs. He has associated with him in the patent, which was granted on the 29th of August after nearly a year’s investigation, Messrs. W.L. Lenoir and W.B. Lindsay. It appears to be a most practical idea and a good thing for automobiles.

A Glance at the Invention

The spring leaves are held together by clips, not bolts. The ends are fastened with anti-friction bearings around the shackle, which does away with lost motion and rapid wear, which is the leading feature of the invention. A combination of a plurality of spring leaves, each provided with a laterally extended lug therewith and of the same thickness as its corresponding leaf; a clip member having a base plate and a plurality of angularly disposed side members, each provided with a slot extending entirely through the same and adapted to engage said side members, and means comprising a hollow housing to secure all of said members to the vehicle axle.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, Thursday, Sept. 14, 1922

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