Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Ill and Injured, Sept. 14, 1922

Mrs. Young to Hospital

Mrs. Mary Young, who was so severely burned several weeks ago when a tub of boiling water turned over on her, was taken to Morganton last Friday by Mrs. J.L. Nelson and placed in a hospital there. Mrs. Young was greatly improved and it was thought her recovery would be more rapid in a hospital. Latest reports are that she is getting along nicely.


Underwent Operation

Mr. L.O. Rector went down to Salisbury last week and underwent an operation that removed his tonsils and adenoids. He is now recovering from the effects of the operation and will be entirely well in a few days. He says he feels a great relieve and would not have them back for anything. He experienced a very sore throat and inability to eat solid food during the healing.


Laid Up Three Weeks

Mr. C.A. Carr, who assists Mr. Hanks at the Universal Theater, three weeks ago had the misfortune to twist his right knee in walking, which laid him up. He was out and at the theater Monday night, on crutches, for the first time since the accident happened. The use of the injured limb it coming back slowly.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, Thursday, Sept. 14, 1922

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