Friday, September 2, 2022

Society, By Miss Pattie Knight, Editor, Sept. 2, 1922


By Miss Pattie Knight, Editor

The New Home

How strange it is a month ago

I lodged elsewhere, and did not know

This house existed; not I sit

And see myself the lord of it.

My foot was free, for years of days

I went my unregardful ways,

Yet men were toiling with the pick,

Were smelting steel and burning brick,

And felling trees and in the mill

Were shaping rafter, joist and sill,

To rear my roof against the rain,

They raised the chimney, set the pane,

Made every corner true and plumb

To wait the hour that I should come.

These men had sail from over sea

That they might do this good for me;

But all the time, I did not know

They lived—until a month ago.

God bless, I say, this kind forethought,

And bless the careful hands that wrought

To build this house, and build it well,

That I might have a place to dwell!

--Margaret Ashmun in New York Post


Domestic Science Teacher

Miss Eunice Chaplin of Rock Hill, S.C., arrived in the city yesterday to take charge of the domestic science department of the Durham high school. Miss Chaplin has been here for the past two years, and is very popular with the pupils and teachers.


To Teach Music at Graded Schools

Miss Florence Philips and Miss Emerso of New York are in the city and will teach music in the schools during the next school year. Miss Philips will have charge of the music at North Durham and Watts, and Miss Emerson will teach at Edgemont.


Make Home in Greensboro

Mrs. L. Chasen and daughter, Miss Margaret, left yesterday for Greensboro, where they will make their home in the future. Mrs. Chasen has been the matron of the teacherage on Duke street and is very well known. Miss Chasen expects to attend Queen’s college at Charlotte during this winter.


From Greensboro

Mrs. James A. Robinson has returned to the city after some time spent in Greensboro and wester North Carolina.


From Points North

Mrs. Lester F. Butler and son, Lester, have returned to the city from a three weeks’ stay in Atlantic City, Baltimore and Rockville, Md., and Washington city. While in Rockville they visited relatives.


Circle Entertained

Circle No. 7 of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the West Durham Baptist church was entertained Thursday evening at her home on Broad street by Mrs. J.E. Rigsbee. Following the business meeting delicious refreshments were served.


Visiting Mrs. Hundley

Miss Blanche Atwater of Washington, N.C., is the house guest of her aunt, Mrs. J.C. Hundley, at her home on Liberty street.


Spend Day in Chapel Hill

Mrs. J.S. Mangum and her daughter, Mrs. M.L. Yearby, motored to Chapel Hill yesterday and spent the day with Mrs. T.J. Wilson.


Returned From Camp

Misses Virginia and Sybil Flowers have returned to their home on Trinity campus after spending the summer in girls’ camps. Miss Virginia has been a member of a camp at Lake Toxaway, and Miss Sybil has been at Chun Cove camp near Asheville.


Visiting Miss Hundley

Miss Velma Ebsen of Orlando, Fla., who is spending the summer at Buffalo Springs, is the guest of Miss Lottie Markham Hundley at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Hundley on Holloway street.


From Vermont

Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Constable have returned from a vacation trip to Vermont. While there, they visited Mrs. Constable’s relatives.


Mrs. George J. Evans and daughter, Mary Katherne, who have been the guests of Mrs. George H. Ross, have returned to their home in Asheville.

Misses Annie Dennis and Ola Mann spent yesterday in Winston-Salem visiting relatives.

Mrs. Jacob Thompson and Miss Laura Barclay of Pittsboro passed through Durham yesterday en route to attend a wedding in Asheville.

Mrs. Ida Dennis left yesterday for North Wilkesboro, where she will visit her son, A.C. Dennis.

Sidney Farabow is spending the week end in Fuquay Springs with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.T. Farabow.

Miss Maude Bass has returned to her home in the city after a visit to relatives in Virginia.

Miss Mary Knight returned yesterday from a month’s vacation spent with relatives in eastern North Carolina.

Miss Ruth Early of Louisburg arrived in the city yesterday to teach school at Edgemont. She will stay with Mrs. W.F. Lyon on Watts street.

Fritz Smith of New Bern spent last night in the city en route to the training camp at Lake Junaluska for Trinity football players.

Miss Elizabeth Gray will spend the next school year in the city teaching at Watts street school.

S.H. Hobgood arrived in the city from a two weeks’ business trip to tobacco markets in South Carolina.

Mrs. C.E. Cheek of Fuquay springs is spending some time in the city with relatives.

Mrs. W.T. Dickson has returned to her home in Raleigh after a visit to her sister, Mrs. J.Q. Davis.

Miss Ellen Davis of Henderson passed through Durham yesterday en route to Marion, where she will visit relatives.

Miss Marion Gallagher has returned to her home in Charlotte after a visit in city to her grandmother, Mrs. P.M. Gallagher.

Miss Virginia Myers passed through Durham yesterday en route from Egleston Springs, Va., to her home in Raleigh.

Miss Lena Markham left yesterday for Aden, where she will teach school.

Mrs. L.W. Price left yesterday for Charlotte, where she will make her home in the future.

Mrs. L.V. Jones spent yesterday at University station.

Misses May Strawbridge and Nancy Mansfield spent yesterday in Nelson. Miss Strawbridge is expecting to teach school there during the coming school year.

From page 2 of the local section, Durham Morning Herald, Sept. 2, 1922

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