Monday, September 12, 2022

Two Police Officers Charged with Murder of Negro and Third with Assault, Sept. 12, 1922

Three Officers Charged With Murder of Negro

Dunn, Sept. 9—Indictments charging former Chief of Police U.S. Page and Policeman W.F. Nipper with murder in connection with (the) death of Charles Ivery, a negro, here last December, and Deputy Sheriff R.J. Jernigan with assault with a deadly weapon upon Major Smith, father of the two boys killed four years ago by Page, were returned by the grand jury sitting at this term of Harnett Superior court before Judge Oliver H. Allen at Lillington.

The Ivey negro is said to have been found mortally wounded near a house upon which Page, Nipper and other policemen made a raid on December 2, 1921. At that time it was alleged by Page that he had not fired a shot. The negro was put under the care of a physician but died within a few hours. The policeman would not discuss the case at that time, all averring that they knew nothing of how the man came to his death.

From the front page of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Sept. 12, 1922. The last name of the negro killed was spelled Ivery in the first sentence and Ivey in the second. I don’t know which is correct.

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