Friday, December 16, 2022

'Blue Bird' Shares News from Mt. Vernon, Dec. 14, 1922

Mt. Vernon News

A great many fine hogs are being killed, and we expect to fare sumptuously throughout the winter.

France is very anxious that her debts be cancelled, but she does not seem to want to practice the Golden Rule on Germany.

The influenza continues to be very serious, especially in the Red Hill community.

Mrs. W.S. Thomas and Mrs. Charlie McSwain spent one day last week with Mrs. J.B. Pope.

Mr. J.A. Martin has been very ill for several days.

On account of the “flu” the school attendance has been very bad for the past two weeks.

Mrs. F.P. Pope spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Y.C. Tyson.

The many friends of Mr. Robert Tyson are grieved because of his death. Mr. Tyson was a most highly esteemed citizen and will be greatly missed.

We are expecting Santa Claus to bring an enormous bag of Christmas goods this year.


From page 12 of the Messenger and Intelligencer, Wadesboro, N.C., Dec. 14, 1922

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