Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Birthday Party for Sarah Cartwright, 84, April 18, 1923

84th Birthday

The C.M.B. Class of Blackwell Memorial Sunday School met at the home of Mrs. Sarah Cartwright Monday afternoon to celebrate her 84th birthday. The class was well represented, and her children, grandchildren, and several neighbors were present. Prayer was offered followed by scripture reading, and the singing of favorite hymns of Mrs. Cartwright. The meeting was a pleasure to the guest of honor and an inspiration to the members of the class who witnessed her joy and heard from her lips expressions of her firm faith in God who had “brought her safe thus far” and would “lead her on.”

A large birthday cake with pink candles outlining the number “84” was presented by the class. The cake was cut and delicious refreshments were served.

From page 3 of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., April 18, 1923

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