Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Deputy Seizes Liquor, Car, But Driver Escapes, April 4, 1923

Gets 20 Gallons of Liquor; Man Escapes

While traveling along the highway near Summerfield about 1 o’clock Thursday afternoon Deputy Sheriff Guy Brittain seized an automobile, 20 gallons of corn liquor and a white man, the occupant of the car in which the booze was found. The officer’s seizure of the liquor and automobile was successful, but the man refused to remain in a state of seizure. He jerked away from the deputy sheriff and in the ensuing race the fugitive was the winner.

On the seized liquor one-fourth was carried to the courthouse at Greensboro, where it was poured into the sewer, the officer having previously poured 15 gallons into the more or less mellow soil near the place of raiding. The automobile is being held in Greensboro, having been confiscated under the law. On Friday Fred Leonard advised Sheriff B.D. Stafford that he was the owner of the car, which had been borrowed, and asked that it be returned to his possession, but the request was denied. Efforts are being made to apprehend the man who was traveling with the collection of liquor in four five-gallon tin cans.

From page 3 of The Reidsville Review, April 4, 1923

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