Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Dr. Hill's Car Struck by Freight Train, April 12, 1923

Freight Train Strikes Dr. W.I. Hill’s Auto. . .The Doctor Escapes With Slight Injuries—Car Wrecked

An accident which came very near causing the death of one of Albemarle’s popular physicians occurred Sunday night about 10:30 o’clock at the point where the Southbound railroad crosses Main street. Dr. W.I. Hill was on his way to make a professional call west of town and was driving a new Ford coupe. He did not see the train, which was a through freight, and his car had not cleared the track when it was struck by the freight engine. The right rear wheel seems to have received full force of the impact, which sent the couple in a diagonal course across the street over a high embankment. The car struck a telephone post, smashing (the) radiator, hood, windshield, and otherwise making nearly a total wreck of the Ford. Fortunately for Dr. Hill, the door of his car was forced open and he was thrown from it about midway of the street. Otherwise he could not have escaped fatal consequences had he remained in the car until it was hurled against the post.

Several bruises and scratches resulted, but we are glad to learn that Dr. Hill’s condition is not regarded as serious, and that he will be able to attend to his regular practice very soon.

From the front page of the Albemarle Press, Thursday, April 12, 1923

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