Saturday, April 1, 2023

Residents Forced to Flee in Night Clothes, April 1, 1923

Fire Destroys House on Elizabeth Street

Fire early Saturday morning practically destroyed a house occupied by John Shaw, colored, on North Elizabeth street, located between Dowd and Gray streets. Damage amounting to between $700 and $800 was done. The building was owned by George Thompson, colored. The loss was practically covered by insurance.

The call was sent in by telephone and by the time the firemen appeared upon the scene the fire had gained such a headway that it could not be saved. Their attention was centered on the adjoining houses when it was found that the burning house could not be saved, and through the excellent fighting the flames were prevented from doing any great damage to them. One house was damaged about $25 and another less. Hose company No. 1 and the hook and ladder company responded to the call.

The occupants were forced to flee from the house in their night clothes, it was stated, the fire having gained such great headway before they were aroused.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, April 1, 1923

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