Friday, September 1, 2023

Albemarle Building & Loan Assn. Selling Stock to Raise More Money for Home Loans, Sept. 1, 1923

Building and Loan Builds Many Homes. . . And Association Also Assists Owners to Pay for Homes Already Built

With a total of 6,000 shares already in force, the seventeenth series of the Albemarle Building & Loan Association opened Saturday and a number of applications for stock in this series were received on the opening day at the offices of W. Ben Goodwin, secretary-treasurer.

The association now has in round numbers $155,000 in loans in force, and more than 100 Elizabeth City residents through the association have been directly helped toward home ownership. Between 20 and 30 new homes in the city are directly traceable to the association, while in other cases the debts on homes already built when the association was organized have been paid off through membership in the association.

Bookings are still being made of subscriptions to stock of the new series and would-be subscribers will find the offices above the Savings Bank open on Saturday night.

From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Sept. 1, 1923

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