Friday, June 21, 2024

Baxter Johnson Dead, Apparent Suicide, June 21, 1924

Baxter Johnson Found Dead at Noon Hour. . . Body Was Found on Bed at Home of Daughter, Mrs. Will Irvin, With Whom He Lived

Baxter Johnson, for many years a well known figure in road construction circles in Cabarrus county, was fund dead about noon today at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Will Irvin in No. 4 township. It is believed that Mr. Johnson shot himself.

Since the death of his wife sometime ago Mr. Johnson has been living with Mrs. Irvin and other children. He has been blue and despondent for some time, it is said, and also has been suffering with illness. These facts are believed to have led him to take his own life.

Mrs. Irvin left her home about 10:30 o’clock to secure some peaches from the home of a neighbor. It is believed that Mr. Johnson committed the rash act while she was away from the home. His dead body was discovered when Mrs. Irvin went to call him to the noon mea. His body was found on a bed and a shotgun was (word obscured).

Mr. Johnson was well known throughout the county and for many years was employed as one of the road bosses in the county, he having had charge of the trucks that were used in road construction. During the past several months he had worked at Kannapolis, but it is said that he recently lost the position he held there.

Coroner Hartsell was called to examine the body shortly after noon.

No funeral arrangements have yet been made.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, June 21, 1924

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