Friday, June 21, 2024

Is This Fair, Asks John Leggitt, June 21, 1924

Are Revenue Officers Violating Ethics? Party at Williamston Wants to Know About the Matter of Disguising as Negroes

Washington, June 20—John Leggitt of Williamston has called upon Senator Simmons to ascertain if the prohibition law gives revenue officers the right to black up and buy liquor.

He writes:

“I will appreciate it if you will give me the law in regard to whether or not revenue officers have the right to paint or black themselves as negroes and disguise themselves as negroes and late hours in the night go and buy liquor, claiming that one of the negroes was to get married that night and they would like to get some for that purpose. Then in a day or two afterwards, they send you news to come and see them as they were the ones that bought the liquor and not negroes.

“As revenue officers have they the right to paint themselves up as negroes and lie in order to buy liquor, and then later on send word that they are the ones that bought the liquor instead of negroes, and for you to come and see them in regards to same?”

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, June 21, 1924

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