Saturday, June 22, 2024

Durham's June Brides, June 22, 1924

June Brides Fail to Set High Record. . . Of the 22 Licenses Issued Thus Far in June, Nine Are for Negroes

June, known the world over as the month for the sweet girl graduates and the bride, has failed to live up locally to the latter reputation. With the month almost gone, there have been but 22 licenses for marriage issued in the county. Of this number, 13 have been granted to white couples, and nine to colored parties.

Of the five white licenses issued during the past week, requests were made in two instances that the names not be published as yet. the other three couples obtaining licenses are:

Roy J. Pope and Carrie A. Lee.

Elijah Daniel Woodall and Mary Elizabeth Lassater.

Paul Jordan and Minnie Bryan.

Colored licenses issued during last week were for the following:

James McCoy and Odell Clemons.

James Green and Emily Green.

Henry Dandy and Katie Bain.

J.E. Campbell and Hattie Wise.

John McClain and Mary Furlow.

The last couple were married late Saturday by Assistant Registrar A.J. Barbee in the courthouse.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, June 22, 1924

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