Friday, June 14, 2024

Thos. E. Cooper Indicted for Fraud Against Liberty Savings Bank for Second Time, June 14, 1924

Former President of Wilmington Bank Is Indicted for Fraud. . . Thos. E. Cooper, Former President of Liberty Savings Bank, for Second Time is Incited for Misappropriation of Funds

Wilmington, June 13—Another indictment against Thos. E. Cooper, former president of the defunct Liberty Savings Bank of this city, charging him with fraud and misappropriation of funds to the amount of $47,000, has been returned by the county grand jury, and Judge Calvert, presiding over the present term of the Superior Court, has signed an order directing that the bank records be locked in a local bank in order that the court officials may have easy access to them at any time.

The new indictment set forth that Cooper effected the alleged misappropriation of funds by fraudulently drawing checks at times when he did not have sufficient funds to cover them.

The second indictment charges Cooper with misappropriate funds, property and credit of the bank to the extent of $47,000.

In the third count it is charged that Cooper did take away from the bank with intent to embezzle and fraudulently convert to his own use the said money, and property.

Copies of checks, said to have been drawn on the Liberty Bank, ranging from 75 cents to $5,000. After the indictment has been issued, he issued the following statement:

“I have not read a copy of the bill of indictment, but understand that it charges that e3very check that I drew for the full time of the life of the Liberty bank was misappropriating of bank funds, as in some instances my account showed a slight overdraft, notwithstanding he fact that any overdraft I had with the bank from time to time was probably covered. I presume the theory under which the indictment was brought was on the ground that any officer, overdrawing his account was misapplying the funds, but my account every time I had an overdraft was covered promptly.

“I have now on deposit in the Liberty Bank $5,000. I have never misappropriated funds there or anywhere else.”

From the front page of the Goldsboro News, Saturday, June 14, 1924

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