Monday, September 9, 2024

Berry Child Injured in Car Accident, Sept. 10, 1924

Berry Child Is Accident Victim. . . J.H. Berry III Suffers Broken Rib and Chest Injury Near Oxford

Oxford, Sept. 9—Master J.H. Berry III, the young son of J.H. Berry Jr., received slight injuries in the chest and a fractured or broken rib when the car in which he was riding went over a three-foot embankment near Harrisburg on the Oxford-Henderson highway this afternoon. The boy was rushed to Brantwood hospital where attending physicians pronounce the youth’s condition not serious. Information received from the hospital late this afternoon was to the effect that the boy was sleeping but that he was nervous as a result of the shock.

The party, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Berry Jr., their infant daughter, the injured boy and a friend were enroute to Durham to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Berry are former residents of Durham, but have been in New York sometime where Mr. Berry has been connected with the British-American Tobacco company. Mrs. J.T. Broadway of Durham, mother of Mrs. Berry, arrived at the hospital this afternoon where she will remain with Mrs. Berry until Wednesday.

According to those who went to the scene shortly after it happened, the accident was unavoidable. The road force was at work scraping up the road and had rolled up a pile of soft dirt in the road. It was stated that a wagon was standing in the road and when Mr. Berry, in an effort to miss an approaching car and the wagon at the same time, hit the pile of soft dirt, the car went over the embankment. The car was only slightly damaged.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sept. 10, 1924

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