Thursday, September 12, 2024

Charlotte Had Big Parade and Speech, Sept. 13, 1924

Charlotte Has Big Parade and Speech

Charlotte, Sept. 12—While national guard companies, hospital units, and several hundred citizens in line, Defense Day was observed here late with a parade through the downtown streets. Civic organizations also were in line.

Mayor J.O. Walker made the observance official so far as the city was concerned when he on yesterday issued a proclamation calling on the people to observe the day in fitting manner.

The first section of the parade was made up national guard units, a hospital corps and Red Cross nurses. The second included the Salvation Army band, Boy Scouts and the Junior Red Cross. The third consisted of Confederate Veterans, Red Cross canteen workers, first aid workers, home service workers and disaster relief workers.

Adjutant General Metts of North Carolina was the chief speaker at a dinner tonight at the Chamber of Commerce.

During the day an American flag was presented to the Central high school by the Junior Order of United American Mechanics.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Saturday, Sept. 13, 1924

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