Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Cornerstone of Trinity High School to be Laid Sept. 13, 1924

Laying of Trinity Cornerstone to be Big Event

Announcement has been made that the cornerstone of the new Trinity high school building will be laid with appropriate exercises, the ceremonies to be in charge of the Numa F. Reid Lodge No. 344, A.F. and A.M. The date sent for the ceremonies is Saturday, September 13th, at 4 p.m. An attractive program is being arranged for the event.

The cornerstone of the new building will contain a metal box in which will be deposited a history old Trinity College and other facts relative to the school.

On the outside of the stone will be inscribed the names of the county board of education, and the words, “In Memory of Braxton Craven.” On the exposed end of the stone will be inscribed the name of the grand master of Masons of North Carolina, J. Legrand Everett, the Masonic symbols of the square and compass, and the date, 1924.

From the front page of The Courier, Asheboro, N.C., “Principles, Not Men,” Thursday, Sept. 4, 1924.


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