Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Cowee Local Notes in Franklin Press, Sept. 5, 1924

Cowee Locals

We are having some rain in this section, but it is most too late to help crops very much now.

Misses Stella and Lucille Morgan have entered school at Bryson City.

Miss Lena Raby left last week for Winterville, N.C., where she expects to make her home with her sister, Mrs. Roy Smith.

Mrs. J.L. Bryson was visiting on Iotla Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Grady Owen and little son have returned to their home in Asheville after visiting Mrs. Owen’s mother, Mrs. J.L. West, of this place.

Miss Edwina Bryson has entered school at Iotla.

Mr. and Mrs. F.I. Murray of Franklin were visiting Mrs. Murray’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. Murray, Sunday.

Mrs. Jud Potts of Franklin was visiting her brother, Mr. J.T. Raby, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cero Martin of Bryson City were visiting in Cowee Sunday.

We are having a good Sunday School at Cowee now. Every one will find a hearty welcome to our Sunday School.


From the front page of the Franklin Press, Macon County, N.C., Sept. 5, 1924

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