Friday, September 13, 2024

Goldsboro Must Have Pro Baseball Team, Sept. 14, 1924

We Must Have Baseball

The committee of baseball enthusiasts who have accepted the task of raising funds sufficient to assure Goldsboro’s entrance into a league next season have raised $1,000 thus far and have been given assurance that the remainder necessary will be forthcoming when they call for it.

Goldsboro wants and within a doubt will have a professional baseball played in its midst next season. The fact that a town has a team in a league is a big advertisement in itself, and Goldsboro people are always live to every opportunity.

We trust that when members of the committee call upon individuals here that each and every one of those called upon will subscribe just as liberally as possible.

From the editorial page in the Goldsboro News, Sunday morning, September 14, 1924. R.F. Beasley, Editor

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