Friday, September 6, 2024

Home Demonstration Agent Recommends Healthy School Lunch, Sept. 7, 1924

Mrs. Evans Offers Ideal School Lunch. . . Lunches for School Pupils Should be Light Yet Contain All Values

Most mothers have pondered over the problem of school lunches. In one small package, basket, or box there must be sufficient food for a growing, studying child, yet it must not be too heavy.

Mrs. Ophelia Evans, Durham county home demonstration agent, has offered to her club women a number of valuable suggestions for lunch preparation and on Friday and Tuesday of last week prepared a model lunch demonstration.

Such a lunch would contain approximately the following:

Two ground meat sandwiches.

One tomato sandwich.

Bottle of milk.

An apple.

Three pieces of fudge.

This lunch contains all necessary food values. Ground meats, Mrs. Evans states, are better for children and at the same time make better sandwiches. Egg sandwiches may take the place of meats, and cheese may be used with advantage. Green stuffs, such as celery, apples, and tomatoes are always good. Ground celery and nut sandwiches are delicious and nutritious. Candy is good for a dessert, she states, but should not be eaten between meals.

From page 6 of the Sunday Durham Morning Herald, Sept. 7, 1924

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