Monday, September 2, 2024

Lia Lucree Suing Meyer's Store After Work Accident, Sept. 3, 1924

Miss Lucree Asking in Greensboro Today for Sum of $25,000. . . She Alleges Cash Basket at Meyer’s Store Fell, Striking Her on the Head

Greensboro, Sept. 3—Trial of the case in which Miss Lia Lucree is suing the Meyers company, owner of Meyer’s Department store, for $25,000 damages as a result of injuries alleged to have been received when a cash basket fell on her head, October 7, 1922, was begun in Superior court yesterday.

Miss Lucree, who was employed in the store, states that as she was at work one of the cash baskets, which move about the store on overhead wires, fell and struck her on the head. Since the injury, she maintains, she has been unable to work, subject to blind spells and has suffered from a severe nervous condition.

The trial is expected to continue through today. --Daily News

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Wednesday, September 3, 1924

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