Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Miss Kelly Bride of T.L. Campbell, Sept. 18, 1924


A very quiet and impressive wedding but charming in every detail was solemnized at the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock when Miss Elizabeth Kelly became the bride of Mr. Thomas Lee Campbell, formerly of Moore County, but now of Washington, D.C. This marriage is the culmination of this association from early youth. Rev. C.E. Clark performed the ceremony. Only close friends and relatives of the contracting parties were invited.

The bride wore a costume of brown and carried a bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley.

The couple entered to-gether to the strains of the wedding march, which was exquisitely rendered by Mrs. Luther Wallace.

Mrs. Campbell is a popular and efficient trained nurse and has a host of friends throughout the county and elsewhere. Mr. Campbell is a World War Veteran, having served 18 months overseas, and was decorated by the French Government. He was severely wounded by a machine gun from which he has completely recovered and was discharged from walter Reed Hospital in May.

Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were driven to Southern Pines where they took a train to Norfolk and a boat from there to New York City and other northern points. They will e at home after the 15th of October in Washington, D.C.

From page 3 of the Moore County News, Carthage, N.C., Thursday, September 18, 1924


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