Thursday, September 19, 2024

Nearly 2,000 Registered Already at UNC-Chapel Hill, Sept. 20, 1924

Registration Figures Near 2,000. . . It Is Estimated That the Total Will Well Exceed the 2,000 Mark. . . Larger Freshman Class Than That of Last Year

According to reliable information obtained by a Tar Heel reporter, exactly 1,925 University students had registered for the fall quarter’s work of the 130th year of school, up to and including all those who had registered Wednesday night.

It is confidently expected that before the entire registration is completed, the University will have in its midst some 2,350 students, an increase in enrollment of between 200 and 250 students over last year.

In the incoming freshman class, statistics show that there are about 850 students. Last year there were approximately 800 Freshmen at the start of the year.

The biggest registration rush was on Tuesday afternoon, when 496 men registered in the Academic school alone.

Registration this year took place in a short time, compared with the long lines which in former years, lined up for hours at a stretch waiting to register, the officials declare.

Last year there were 2,168 students matriculated in the University.

From the front page of The Tar Heel, UNC-Chapel Hill, Saturday, September 20, 1924

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