Friday, September 20, 2024

Stallings Family Gathers for Reunion, Sept. 21, 1924

Stallings Family to Hold Reunion. . . Family of G.C. Stallings to Honor Him Sunday in All-Day Reunion

Once every year the children and grandchildren of G.C. Stallings gather together at his home for a reunion. Sunday is the time for it this year, and plans have been made for making it one of the best yet held.

Mr. Stallings is 76 years of age and still hale and hearty. Despite his more than three score years and 10, he is active and but for the fact that his strength is on the decline, he could perform the duties on the farm as well as the younger people. He has 51 living children and grandchildren, all of whom are expected to be present for the reunion Sunday.

The Stallings home is located seven miles east of Durham.

One of the features of the day will be a picnic dinner served in the open. Everything good to eat that is grown on the farm will have a place on the menu for the enjoyment and nourishment of all the relatives and friends who are expected to attend.

From page 2 of the Sunday Durham Herald, Sept. 21, 1924

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