Friday, September 13, 2024

Standard Motor Company of Goldsboro Changing Hands, Sept. 14, 1924

Standard Motor Company Announces Change of Hands. . . Effective Tomorrow Messrs. H.H. Parker and Jos. R. Williamson Will Sell Their Holdings in the Standard Motor Company, Local Lincoln, Ford and Fordson Dealers, to New Company Being Organized

It has just been announced by Mr. H.B. Parker, President, and Mr. Jos. R. Williamson, manager, that effective Monday morning, September 15th, they will sell their entire holdings in the Standard Motor Co., local Lincoln, Ford and Fordson dealers, to a new company being organized.

In discussing the matter with Mr. Parkson, he made the following statement: “I have been thinking for some time of retiring from active business, especially from such a business that requires as much time and attention as does the Ford business in Goldsboro. Therefore, Mr. Williamson and myself, who are owners of the Standard Motor Company, have decided to sell out to a newly organized company. I have been actively associated with the Ford Business in Goldsboro some 10 or 12 years, and have seen the business grow from a very small business to the present big company, which is now handling nearly a thousand cars a year. The action we are taking has been contemplated for some time. . . . “

From the front page of the Goldsboro News, September 14, 1924

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