Gastonia, Jan. 19—H.B. Pattillo, 40 years old, a contractor, committed suicide at 8 o’clock this morning by shooting himself through the head. Financial troubles are supposed to have been the cause.
Mr. Patillo was at home alone at the time, his wife having taken their children to school. His body was found in the bath room.
The dead man was a native of Georgia, but had lived here 10 years. He is survived by his widow, two children, and five brothers, one of the latter living here.
From the front page of the Concord Times, Monday, January 19, 1925. The byline said this occurred on Jan. 26, but that would be impossible in a Jan. 19 newspaper. The contractor’s last name was spelled Pattillo on the first two references and Patillo on the third reference.
From the front page of the Concord Times, Jan. 19, 1925?
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